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Anthem 10l - l pendimethalin

£67.80 £56.50
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Anthem® is a long-lasting and reliable residual herbicide providing a foundation in control programmes targeted at tough grass and broad-leaved weeds in cereals. Anthem® can also be used in a wide range of other crops including potato, peas, vegetables and maize.

Product Name:Anthem
MAPP (Reg.) Number:15761
Authorisation Holder:Adama Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd
Marketing Company:Adama Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd
Active Substance(s):400.000 g / l pendimethalin
Formulation Type:Suspension concentrate
Field of Use:Herbicide
Crops:apple, barley (spring), barley (winter), blackberry, blackcurrant, blackcurrant and redcurrant, broccoli/calabrese, brussels sprout, bulb onion, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, cherry, combining pea, durum wheat, forage maize, forage maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch), gooseberry, grain maize, grain maize (grown under temporary plastic mulch), leek, loganberry, loganberry and rubus hybrid, parsnip, pear, plum, potato, raspberry, rubus hybrid, rye (winter), strawberry, sunflower, triticale, wheat (winter)
Amateur / Professional:Professional
LERAP Category:Category B
Aquatic Use:No
Authorisation Level:Standard Approval   Product also has Extensions of Authorisation. (opens new window)
First Authorisation Date:23/07/2012
Product Expiry Date (notes):09/09/2099
Aerial Use:No
Parallel Import:No

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