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Moddus 1l - l trinexapac-ethyl

£42.00 £35.00
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MODDUS contains trinexapac-ethyl for use as a growth regulator in wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, durum wheat and ryegrass seed crops.

Product Name:Moddus
MAPP (Reg.) Number:15151
Authorisation Holder:Syngenta UK Limited
Marketing Company:Syngenta UK Limited
Active Substance(s):250.000 g / l trinexapac-ethyl
Formulation Type:Emulsifiable concentrate
Field of Use:Plant Growth Regulator
Crops:barley (spring), barley (winter), durum wheat, grassland (seed crop), oats, rye, triticale, wheat (spring), wheat (winter)
Amateur / Professional:Professional
LERAP Category:n/a
Aquatic Use:No
Authorisation Level:Standard Approval   Product also has Extensions of Authorisation. (opens new window)
First Authorisation Date:10/11/2010
Product Expiry Date (notes):31/10/2022
Aerial Use:No
Parallel Import:No

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