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Butox Swish Pour-on Suspension 0.75%, POM-VPS 1l

£48.00 £40.00
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Butox Swish Pour-on Suspension 0.75>#/b###

Active substance Deltamethrin 0.750 g/100ml Excipients  Formaldehyde solution 35% 0.019 g/100ml

Indications for use, specifying the target species. Control of biting and nuisance flies of cattle, including Haematobia irritansHippobosca equinaStomoxys calcitransMusca autumnalis and Musca domestica. Control of biting and sucking lice of cattle, including Damalinia bovisHaematpoinus eurysternus, and Linognathus vituli.

All purchasers of this product MUST complete a short questionnaire prior to this item being dispatched.

You can find the questionnaire HERE

Vetinarian Medicine Category :

Butox Data Sheet (SPC_131213.DOCX, 37 Kb) [Download]